Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Amazon wants your review (honest, they really do)

If you've read Time Capsule, you can go to and post a review. They like it when you do that. Really, they do. (I do too.)

Hopefully you liked the book and will give it 5 stars and a glowing review. Not that I'm trying to talk you into anything (wink wink, nod nod). 

OK then. Bye for now.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Time Capsule started here

This is the tree that sprouted the idea for Time Capsule. You can read the book to find out what happened next.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Time Capsule's an easy read

Look! It takes three copies of Time Capsule to stack up against one copy of the Mueller Report. I'd suggest you read them both, starting with Time Capsule, which is a quick and easy read (no, you don't have to read it three times) and then moving on to Mueller, which is just a tad bit heavier content.

Marion County Public Library announces signing event

The Marion County Public Library has announced my August 10 signing event and book discussion in its electronic newsletter. To read the announcement, click here:

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Today's forecast: A good day to read

The forecast for today calls for sunny skies and a high of 87 degrees, which means there will be plenty of sunlight to illuminate the pages of Time Capsule, available now from Amazon books.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Time Capsule is 225 pages

Time Capsule checks in at 225 pages -- about half as long as the Mueller report. To buy a copy, click one of these two links:


More reader reaction

“Enjoyed your book - great read. Looking forward to the next - let me know when you publish.”

Saturday, July 20, 2019

A book review by my friend Joyce

May I recommend a book? 

I just finished reading TIME CAPSULE by Marshall Scott Shields. This character-driven novel is a quick read with lots of real-life experience behind the writing. Scott was a news reporter for many he has a lot of background to draw from. He brings his character of Rob Covington to life by his engaging descriptions and his crisp dialogue. 

Rob’s wife Jennie is also a news reporter and obviously in love with her husband. (Yes, there are the obligatory sex scenes that are very tastefully done.) Scott introduces the reader to several interesting and memorable characters who all play a part in the mystery/unsolved crime that Rob and Jennie uncover while planting a tree. The mystery all unfolds near the end of the book as we connect the interrelationship of these vibrant characters. 

Yes, Scott is a friend of mine. Yes, he has approved this message.

News article in Parkersburg paper

There's a very nice article about "Time Capsule" in today's Parkersburg News and Sentinel--one of the papers I worked for back in the 1970s. Check it out if you're in that area or read the paper online.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

And still more reader comments

I read and enjoyed your novel. The story line unfolds nicely and the closing touch is an unexpected surprise.  Well done and more to come as I understand.  I'm handing it off to my wife and know she'll enjoy it as well. Congrats.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Another Amazon review

July 13, 2019
Format: Kindle Edition

Twists and turns, great character development, and a perfect wrap up at the end. Shields has done it all in this captivating mystery. I thoroughly enjoyed it and highly recommend!

Times set for book signing event

I'll be signing books from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. on Saturday, August 10, at the Marion County Public Library in Fairmont. At noon, I'll discuss my novel Time Capsule and the idea and process that led to its publication.

Hope to see you there.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

My first Amazon review is in

July 9, 2019
Format: Paperback
I love how this author brings his background as a journalist into this story. He's a good storyteller; and effectively wove different storyline threads together. I didn't see the ending coming and I can usually see it mid-book. The main characters are appealing, and I'll be looking for more in this series. Recommended!

Friday, July 12, 2019

Book signing, discussion scheduled

Mark your calendars for August 10, 2019. I will be signing books that day in the Marion County Public Library and discussing my first novel, Time Capsule. Time of the event will be announced later.

Here's how the library describes the event:

"Have you ever wondered about how books come to be written? This is your opportunity to learn about that and more! This former journalist and new author, Scott Shields, will share the inspiration and process of writing his newly released book, titled "Time Capsule: A Covington Mystery." He will also offer insight into future mysteries, as well."

I'll have some books for sale on site and will gladly sign a book for anyone who has purchased through Amazon. Hope to see a lot of people there, and thanks to the library for the opportunity to share my experiences as an author.          

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Reader comments about 'Time Capsule'

Reader comments about 'Time Capsule'
"Finished the book. Definitely enjoyed it. Looking forward to the next one." -- Linda Bond, Fairmont, W.Va.
"Read it. Liked it. Want the next one!" -- Bill Lewis, Lake Jackson, Texas

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Attention journalists, former journalists and future journalists:

Time Capsule by former journalist Marshall Scott Shields is a mystery novel in which the main characters are...can you guess? Yes! They're journalists!
Now, don't you want to go get a copy so you can read about people doing what you do? Of course you do. Here are the links:

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Got books?

I just received a small shipment of books. If you'd like to have a signed copy, e-mail your name and mailing address to and I'll get one out to you. Also, if you have read the book, e-mail me and tell me what you thought.

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Back from vacation? Dig into the Time Capsule

Just back from vacation? It's a good time to buy your copy of Time Capsule. Just click on the image below:

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Things readers say about Time Capsule

Here are some things that readers say after reading Time Capsule:
"You had me hooked from the very beginning."
"Wow. I wasn't expecting that. Or that. Or that...."
"I certainly didn't see that coming."
You should give it a read. Then you can add some quotes of your own.

Time Capsule links



High Peaks Publishing:

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Perfect for the beach

Time Capsule is perfect for your trip to the beach. You can read it, fan yourself with it on hot, humid days and use it to shield your eyes from the sun. It's an all-purpose companion that won't complain about getting sand in its pages, doesn't eat much and won't get bitten by a shark.

Only $12.95 at

Time Capsule links



High Peaks Publishing: