In The Last Case, Stanford Bell is a private detective known to the world as "Taco." He is also very dead. His friend, police Lieutenant Hanrahan, finds his body in Taco's office on the floor behind his desk, and sets out to discover how he became dead, who killed him and why.
Through his own narrative, Taco introduces readers to a tall, beautiful former athlete with amber eyes who hires him to find a missing object. With help from a newspaper reporter, Taco and his client follow a seemingly random string of numbers and letters they believe will lead them to the stolen property.
It's a classic whodunit (and why-they-dunit) written in the style of Raymond Chandler or Dashiell Hammett that will leave readers guessing until the end.
We expect to have a cover design before too long, and while publication is still a ways off, I'll be posting some excerpts in the coming days to tide you over until the book is ready for sale. Watch for them here, and look for The Last Case coming up in 2021.