Friday, June 14, 2019

An excerpt from Time Capsule – Rob and Jennie

      After watching Jennie for several minutes, Rob walked over toward the keg to get a beer, and looked back in time to see Jennie discreetly pouring hers over the edge of the balcony. Then, he watched out of the corner of his eye as she wandered through the crowd, taking a purposefully slow and circuitous route to the keg, supposedly to get a refill. 
      When she got close enough to hear him, Rob turned to look at her and said, “Say, I noticed you over by the railing a minute or so ago and watched you dump out half of your beer. What happened? Did a bug fly in there or is that some kind of ‘glass half full’ thing with you?” She blushed a little and looked back at him, smiling like a little girl who got caught stealing cookies. He noticed that her eyes were a spectacular shade of light gray. Against her tan face, they seemed to shine like tiny Christmas lights in a darkened room. She was even more beautiful up close. Her skin was smooth and perfect, accenting a nicely squared chin, and for a second Rob swore his breathing stopped.

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