Sunday, November 17, 2019

Q&A with the author – Part 10 of 10

Q. When did you know you wanted to be a writer?

A. I started at a very early age. When I was a kid of 10 or 12, I wrote a neighborhood newspaper. It was laid out in pencil on notebook paper and probably reported on the day’s wiffle ball game or somebody’s birthday party. (I forget.) I’d say the number of editions was probably in the neighborhood of…one.

In high school I started writing poetry and song lyrics for a garage band I was in, and during college I wrote for the school newspaper. I became a journalist after college and worked for four newspapers over 13 years.

Even after I left the newspaper business I continued to write news releases, newsletters, pamphlets, brochures, advertising, position papers, magazine articles and other materials for a public utility and, later, for a variety of clients as a freelance communications consultant.

So I guess I've always been a writer and I never wanted to be anything else, which is good, because it’s about the only thing I really know how to do.

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